Code of Conduct




PT Modernland Realty Tbk



PT Modernland Realty Tbk

Pedoman Etika Bisnis & Etika Kerja merupakan standar perilaku usaha Modernland dalam menjalankan bisnis dan dalam berinteraksi kepada pemegang saham dan pemangku kepentingan serta standar perilaku kerja Manajemen dan Karyawan Modernland.

Standar Etika Bisnis mengatur etika Modernland terhadap para pemangku kepentingan, termasuk diantaranya kepada para pekerja, pelanggan, penyedia barang dan jasa (pemasok), kreditur, masyarakat, pesaing, pemerintah, media massa. Penerapan standar etika bisnis bertujuan untuk memastikan Modernland memenuhi hak dan kewajiban terhadap para pemangku kepentingan. Pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban tersebut dilaksanakan dalam kaidah peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Standar Etika Kerja mengatur Manajemen dan Karyawan Modernland dalam berperilaku. Penerapan Standar Perilaku bertujuan untuk memastikan penerapan nilai-nilai budaya yang diatur oleh Modernland.

Pedoman Etika Bisnis & Etika Kerja mencakup pengaturan terkait Standar Etika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja serta Mekanisme Penegakan. Standar Etika Bisnis mencakup pengaturan hubungan dengan Karyawan, Pelanggan, Pemasok, Pesaing, Regulator,  Masyarakat, Investor dan Pemegang Saham, hubungan dengan Kreditur, Anak Perusahaan dan dengan Media. Sedangkan Etika Kerja mencakup pengaturan Kepatuhan Terhadap Hukum, Benturan Kepentingan, Gratifikasi & Anti Korupsi, Penerapan Hak Asasi Manusia, Kesempatan Keja Yang Adil, Rahasia Perusahaan, Pengawasan dan Penggunaan Aset, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual dan Perilaku kepada Sesama Karyawan.

Pedoman Perilaku disosialisasikan melalui intranet atau portal internal serta melalui website Perusahaan agar dapat diketahui oleh para pemangku kepentingan Perusahaan.

Perusahaan memiliki unit yang menangani pelaporan atas pelanggaran terhadap Pedoman Etika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja yang telah ditetapkan sehingga memungkinkan bagi setiap insan Modernland untuk dapat menyampaikan laporan atas pelanggaran atau dugaan pelanggaran yang terjadi di lingkungan Perusahaan. Pelaporan atas pelanggaran dapat dilakukan ke Sekretaris Perusahaan atau Unit Kerja yang ditunjuk.

Perusahaan menetapkan sanksi atas pelanggaran terhadap Pedoman Etika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja Perusahaan. Penetapan sanksi dilakukan setelah pihak terlapor terbukti melakukan pelanggaran serta dilakukan secara wajar dan adil sesuai peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku di Perusahaan.


Perusahaan mengapresiasi kinerja dan kepatuhan insan Modernland terhadap Pedoman Etika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja serta terhadap peraturan dan ketentuan lain yang berlaku di Perseroan. Penghargaan dapat diberikan dalam beberapa bentuk, baik melalui penganugerahan Karyawan terbaik, promosi jabatan, pemberian hadiah dan berbagai bentuk lainnya sesuai peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Penghargaan Karyawan dapat dilakukan setiap tahun atau sesuai ketentuan Perseroan.


The Code of Conduct is a set of business standards for Modernland in conducting its business and in interacting with shareholders and stakeholders, as well as a set of work value standards for the Management and Employees of Modernland.

The Standards of Business Ethics govern the ethical behavior of Modernland vis-à-vis its stakeholders, including among others the employees, customers, suppliers of goods and services, creditors, the public, competitors, the government, and mass media. The implementation of the standards of business ethics is intended to fulfill the rights and obligations to all stakeholders. The fulfillment of such rights and obligations is in line with the norms and the prevailing regulations. The Standards of Work Ethics govern Modernland’s Management and Employees in their conduct. The implementation of the Standards of Behaviors is intended to ensure that the corporate culture and values of Modernland are upheld at all times.

The Code of Conduct encompasses the Standards of Business Ethics and Work Ethics as well as their Implementation Mechanism. The Standards of Business Ethics address the relationships with Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Competitors, Regulators, the Public, Investors, and Shareholders, relationships with Creditors, Subsidiaries, and with the Media. Meanwhile, the Standards of Work Ethics address issues such as Legal Compliance, Conflict of Interest, Gratification and Anti-Corruption, Application of Human Rights, Fair Employment Opportunity, Corporate Secrets, Asset Monitoring and Utilization, Safety and Health, Intellectual Property Rights, and Attitude to Fellow Employees.

The Code of Conduct is disseminated via intranet and internal portal as well as via the Company’s website to be made known to all of the Company’s stakeholders.

The Company assigns a particular unit for handling all reports and violations to the Code of Conduct as designated by the Company, thus allowing any member of Modernland to submit their report on any violation or wrongdoing or allegation thereof, which has occurred within the Company’s premises. The report on such violation may be addressed to the Corporate Secretary or any designated Work Unit.

The Company shall exert sanction commensurate to the violation to the Company’s Code of Conduct. Sanctions shall be given after the reported party has been definitively proven to have acted in violation of the Code of Conduct and have been treated in a fair and just manner at all times in line with the regulations and provisions in the Company.

The Company appreciates the performance and compliance of all members of Modernland to this Code of Conduct and other prevailing regulations and provisions in the Company. Rewards may be given in various forms to the best-performing employees, including job promotions, gifts, and other forms in line with the prevailing rules and regulations. Employee rewards may be given annually or as per the Company’s policy.